Friday, May 31, 2019

It’s Time to Redefine Morality :: Argumentative Persuasive Argument Essays

Its Time to Redefine MoralityWhen looking at fraternity, and seeing the constant hypocrisies, the inconsistencies, the lies, a person can be inclined exactly towards two mindsets. They go out go along with what they see, they willing believe what they are told, they will find it awkward that anyone could challenge things the mien they are. Or, they will see the outrightly nonsensical nature of things, they will see the lies, they will see the propaganda, they will see the inconsistency, and they will refuse to believe it. They will cry out for anything but this society -- they will seek out reason, logic, truth. Anything that is well-reasoned will sooth their heart, anything that is logically demonstrated will be at peace with their mind. Their life will be transformed into a journey, ceaselessly looking for the truth, wherever it is, whatever it tells us, no matter what must be sacrificed to discover it. In our society, we find that there are two people. Those who will accept what they are told, will obey authority, will exist in the way that television and radio has commanded them to exist. And there are those who will condemn the way things are, will resist authority, will point out all the inconsistencies and lies given to us. In generations to come, they will be called heroes. In our own time, they will be called instigators. Historians will regard them as the cause to a change in society. Rationalists will treat them as the finest examples of intelligent people. But what is it that they can truly be called? meddling through the expanse of human language, what name can rightly apply to someone who uses their mind? A person without shackles on their mind, without a blindfold on their eyes, without bondage on their heart, without lies in their mind... may be called a Freethinker. The theory which may be questioned most by any Freethinker, is the theory of the modern morality. By this, I mean the theory of monogamy, that a person ought to only have one sexual partner at one time. But this theory is more than than just that. Not only is it a one-sexual-partner ideal, but it covers other ideas. Those who are promiscuous with their bodies are treated as heartless and brutal. A modern disciplinarian will paint a picture of a slut, and every vice will be given to them.

Thursday, May 30, 2019

The Behavior of Cult Leaders and Members Explained by using Psychologic

This essay will examine and describe the behavior of cult leaders and cult members by using and applying psychological principles. I will specifically highlight the behavior of Jim Jones and his followers and explain what factors that caused them to believe wholeheartedly in the ism of Jim Jones. I will also explain what psychological tactics were used to influence his believers to be participants in mass suicide and the psychological factors that contributed to the belief that this was their just option. What is a cult? According to (Pratkanis & Aronson, 2001,p.307) the term cult is used to described to describe a pattern of social relations within a multitude and that cults can be centered on a range of issues, including race, politics, therapy, self-help as well as spirituality and religion. Another distinctive feature of cults or upstart religious moments are that they acquire distinctive religious rituals and beliefs related to its god or a person, they also practice iso lation from the surrounding culture and have a charismatic leader (Myers, 2011, p.197). Cults are by no means new phenomena they have been around since before the beginning of written history. Some of the earlier cults were recorded by the ancient Mesopotamian, Greek and Egyptian civilizations. There were also early Christian cults, such as the Essenes and the Gnostics. There are also the examples of late cults, such as The Children of God, Heavens Gate and the Branch Davidians. In addition to cults, there are also modern new age organizations and movements. These groups rate a fine line between being an authentic religious organization and have some of the same characteristics of being a cult. In these types of organizations it is ofttimes di... psychological principals for his own purposes. I firmly believe that in the very end Jones used the power of informational social influence to gain obedience and conformity. This was the fatal factor that caused his follo wers to drink the cyanide laced Kool- aide and commit what Jones called a revolutionary suicide. Works CitedThe Ford Foundation. (96-10). PBS,The American Experience . Jonestown the Life and finish of Peoples Temple. Retrieved 4/6/2012, from http//, D. G. (2002). Exploring psychology (5th ed.). New York, NY WorthMyers, D. G. (2012). Exploring social psychology (6th ed.). New York, NY McGraw-Hill.Pratkanis, A. (2002). Age of propaganda the everyday use and abuse of persuasion. New York W.H. Freeman.

Contagious Caprine Pleuropneumonia in Beetal Goats Essay -- Health, Ou

Abstract Seroprevalence, clinical findings and lesions of inherited caprine pleuropneumonia (CCPP) in Beetal goats were recorded during an outbreak. The overall seroprevalence of CCPP was 32.50%. Confirmation of Mycoplasma mycoides in serum was carried out using counter immunoelectrophoresis (CIE) technique. The highest CIE positive cases were recorded in the older goats (51.72%) as compared to young ones. Nasal swabs were collected from 39 goats showing respiratory signs were prepare positive for Mycoplasma. The most and consistent clinical findings were mild to severe cough, purulent nasal secretion, emaciation, dysponea, increased respiration rate and pyrexia. Mortality due to CCPP was 9.17%. Consolidation of lungs exhibited the highest relative frequency (100%) followed by alveolar exudation (90.90%) and pleural adhesion (72.72%). Among the microscopic lesions, septal peribronchiolar fibrosis exhibited the highest frequency (81.81%) followed by fibrious pleuritis (63.63%) and peribronchiolar cuffing of mononuclear cells (54.54%) in lungs. From these results, it can be concluded that contagious caprine pleuropneumonia under subtropical conditions has great prevalence in Beetal goats and leads to significant mortality.Keywords Beetal goat . Pakistan. CCPP . Seroprevalence . PathologyIntroductionAt present, there are 58.3 million goats in Pakistan and their creation is increasing at the rate of more than 3% per annum (Afzal, 2010). Pakistan is the third largest goat producing country in the world after China and India. The goat farming in Pakistan is threatened by the prevalence of many infectious and non infectious diseases. Among the infectious disease, contagious caprine pleuropneumonia is a major threat to goat population... pleuropneumonia in the swell stage were also observed in sheep (Momani et al. 2006). Similar lesion were also reported in animal suffering with CCPP from a longer duration exhibited chronic pleuropneumonia or chronic pleu ritis (Gelagay et al. 2007). Histopathologically lungs tissue showed mucopurulent to fibrinopurulent exudates accumulation in the aveoli, septal peribronchiolar fibrosis, dilated hyperplastic bronchi, alveolar exudates was dominated by macrophages and with a variable component of neutrophils, and pulmonary fibrosis peribronchiolar mononuclear cuffing were also observed in present study. Similar histopathological changes with lesser intensity were also reported in sheep and goats (Goncalves et al. 2010). Clinico-pathological findings and seroprevalence of disease provided evidence and the presence of CCPP in beetle goats in district Faisalabad.

Wednesday, May 29, 2019

Dreaming Problems :: essays research papers fc

Dreaming ProblemsA large epidemic affecting approximately one in deuce Americans, accordingto a Gallup survey, is residualing difficulty. This difficulty can come in one ofmany different forms. Problems falling a catnap, grogginess after sufficientamounts of sleep, or waking suddenly and not being able to fall back asleep arethe most common of the problems that occur in Americans. I shall let off in myreport, the importance of sleep, differences in types of sleep, the approximate reccomended daily amount of sleep, variables that may affect sleep, and somesimple tips to aide you in attaining effective slumber.Why, exactly is sleep necessary? Sleep is more than a period of restfor the brain, in fact, it is just the opposite. As you sleep, your bodyrepairs itself, and your psyche repairs itself, also. According to the Galluppoll, people who dont have problems sleeping, are able to cope with problemseasier, concentrate better, and finish tasks more adequitely. miss of sleep cancause memory, learning, reasoning and calulation functions to decrease inefficiency. Lack of sleep can lead to illness and psychiatric problems also.An approximate 200,000 auto accidents are probably caused by sleep hindrence,and also, an estimate was made that sleep passing and work cost the economyone hundred fifty thousand dollars.Amount of sleep necessary depends upon the individual. Some are readyto go with hexad hours of sleep, while others cant function without nine. If aperson feels unable to stay focused during monotonous or boring work, it ispossible they may assume more sleep. Also, need for sleep doesnt decline withage, it just may be more difficult to retain the ablility to sleep, as one may doze off vision or hearing.Sleep is not just a time of relaxation and rest for the body. In fact,the body is doing as much (almost) when asleep (sometimes) as when awake. Thereare, in fact, five stages of sleep. They include four stages of relaxation andone of dreaming. The dreaming s tage, REM, is one where the body is paralyzed,and the brain is afire with activity. Your mind creates scenarios for you, andhas usually four or five per night.Some factors that may affect your sleep are as follows. There are agreat many possiblile variables in sleep deprivation, and are usually the causeof insomnia. Stress in the workplace, home, social situation, or anywhere elseis the number one cause of sleeping distress. Alcohol or caffiene in theafternoon or evening can severly alter sleep habits. Physical or mentallyintense activities can cause sleep deprivation or difficulty also.

Role of Female Characters in Fidelmans Epiphany in Naked Nude :: Naked Nude Bernard Malamud

Role of Female Characters in Fidelmans Epiphany in defenseless Nude Word Count Includes OutlineThesis In his picturesque short story, The Naked Nude, Bernard Malamud uses the female characters to develop, enact, and resolve Fidelmans epiphany and to bring about the protagonists final, artistic self-importance-understanding. Bernard Malamud, a leading contemporary Jewish author, skirts between fantasy and reality in his nearly allegorical short fiction, teaching the reader a lesson through coinciding elements of beauty and comedy. Venturing away from his usual, inner-city Jewish element, Malamud tackles new challenges of subject and setting in his novelistic army of short stories, Pictures of Fidelman Malamud develops his protagonist through a series of six, interrelated short works, each of which may function entirely independent from the others. In The Naked Nude, for instance, Fidelman comes to a new, artistic maturity through his attempt to copy the famous painting Venus of Urbino by Titian Tiziano. Malamuds recurring theme of self-knowledge through suffering permeates this short work. Scarpio and Angelo, as primary antagonists, provide the bulk of this suffering for Fidelman. It is his own mental captivity concerning the female nude, however, that gives cause for Fidelmans eventual epiphany as an artist and as an individual. His relationship to the women in the work shapes his ability to capture the form of the Venus and to come to grips with his own self-worth. In The Naked Nude, Bernard Malamud uses the female characters to develop, enact, and resolve Fidelmans epiphany and to bring about the protagonists final, artistic self understanding. At the storys outset, Fidelman is forced to act as janitor and manservant to a group of ill mannered prostitutes under the employment of the padrone, Angelo. These offensive characters establish the first of a series of mental obstacles in the imprisoned protagonists attempt to copy Titians nude. They torment F idelman with cynical laughter and exploit his demeaning position. His sexual insecurity is established at the beginning of the story when he ponders his violent guillotine sketch, asking A mans head or his sex?...either case a terrible wound (Malamud 318). The limited omniscient narrator, revealing Fidelmans thoughts and feelings, also suggests that he could gain no inspiration from whores, and that maybe too many naked women around made it impossible to draw a nude (Malamud 325). This illustrates Fidelmans early accreditation of his artistic impotency to desensitization. He soon recognizes, however, that the way in which he views the Venus also interrupts his progress.

Tuesday, May 28, 2019

The Move of Super Saver to the UK Food Retail Market :: Business Management Triangle Test Essays

The Move of Super Saver to the UK Food Retail MarketA new low cost overseas retailer, Super Savers is dealing to conkinto the UK Food Retail market. One of the ranges they wish to stockis blackcurrant squash. The company has two potential suppliers,Ribeena and Tesco, and wishes to select one brand for the range ofoutlets. The product manager would analogous to know1. If there is a significant difference between the two brands2. What are the differences in terms of the sensory profile3. Which attributes of the products most affect consumer adoption4. Which product consumers preferTASKAs sensory analysts we are required to design and execute appropriatetests to elicit this in urinateation and present our findings in the formof full report to the product manager.1.ABSTRACT----------In this report, a new low cost overseas retailer, Super Savers iswishing to move into the UK Retail Market. One of the ranges theywish to stock is blackcurrant squash. The company has two potentialsupplie rs, Ribeena and Tesco, and wishes to select one brand for therange of outlets.Four tests had been chosen to undertake, which were the Triangle test,the Just-Right test, the Descriptive Analysis test (taste, colour,smell, and texture) and the 9-point epicurean test. For the achievementof the above four tests, twenty panellists were selected.The results obtained from this evaluation showed in general that therewas a significant difference between Ribeena and Tesco blackcurrantsquashes. The only case that the invalid hypothesis was rejected, that isthere was not any difference between the two products, was in theattribute of smell tested in the sensory profile.The methodology for to each one test took a sequence of experimental design,null-hypothesis and test selection. In addition environmentalconditions, sample presentation and panel selection where consideredand the collection, compendium and interpretation of selective information derived themost suitable product. 2. INTRODUCTI ONSensory evaluation is a scientific discipline used to evoke, measure,analyse and interpret reactions to those characteristics of foods andmaterials as they are perceived by the senses of sight, smell, tastetouch and hearing (Institute of Food Technology, USA, 1981).As sensory analysts, we were asked to give a sensory evaluation of thetwo products - Ribeena and Tesco blackcurrant squashes to the SuperSavers overseas retailer. For sensory analysis to be successful, itis necessary for someone to take the responsibility to ensure thetests are carried out in the correct and appropriate manner. This isthe role of the sensory analyst or the panel leader (Lyon, Francombe,Hasdell, Lawson, 1992, p.47).3. AIMS OF THE PROJECT To find out if there is a significant difference between the two

Monday, May 27, 2019

Willie Loman as a Tragic Hero

Aristotles definition for a tragic hero is one who is not in control of his own lot, but instead is ruled by the gods in one fashion or an some other. The tragic hero for Aristotle is tragic because of their lack of control or go away in the face of their predetermined prox and downf all in all. In comparing Arthur Millers tragic hero of Death of a Sales domain (Willy Loman) and his seeming lack of control in his own fate.This paper will expound upon Lomans tragic deformity, his change of fate in the secret plan starting from good and going to worse. Also, in defining and finding the correct name in which to define the tragic hero Loman has a peachy tragic geological fault (hamartia) which is his devil may care attitude at the beginning of the story, to the heartsickness and stagnation of hope that meets him at the end of the story. Millers work analysis will be derived from Greg Johnsons book Perrines literature structure, sound and sense. As Arp and Johnson state,Where tr agic protagonist possess overpowering individuality so the plays are often named after them. (i.e. Oedipus Rex, Othella), comic protagonist tend to be types of individuals, and the plays in which they be are often named after the type, (i.e. Moliers, The Miser, Congreves, The Double Dealer). We referee tragic protagonist by absolute moral standards, by how far they soar above society. We judge comic protagonist by social standards, by how well they adjust to society and conform to the expectations of the group (1308)This is the dichotomy for Willy Loman, the tragic irony, the drama, and Willy Lomans protagonist view in a comic viewing.As John Jones (1962) states in On Aristotle and Greek Tragedy with an excerpt from Aristotles The Ideal Tragic Hero,The well constructed plot must, therefore, have a single issue, and not (as some maintain) a double. The change of fortune must not be from bad to good but the other way round, from good to bad and it must be caused, not by wickedness, but by some great error hamartia on the part of a man such as we have described, or of one better, not worse, than that (13).This excerpt is the pivotal movement that changes Loman from a man who has hard luck, to the pinnacle of beingness a tragic hero in which he suffers from hamartia. For Willy Loman, his reality isnt primarily attributed to ego he knows where he is, what he is, but his tragic flaw is accounted for in the pitfall of banal acceptance. Willy Loman doesnt try to change anything, but is caught up in mediocrity, and essentially blind to anything with a silver lining. As Harold outpouring (1991) writes in Willy Loman with an excerpt by Thomas Lask and his writing How Do You Like Willy Loman (New York Times, January 1966),Yet, to my mind, Willy represents all those who are trapped by false values, but who are so far on in life, that they do not know how to escape them. They are men on the wrong track and know it. They are among those who, when young, matte up they c ould move mountains and now do not even see those mountains. Aristotle said the tragic hero must be neither all good nor all evil, but rather a median figure. Everything about him is paltry except his mesh to understand and escape from the pit he has dug for himself. In this battle he achieves a measure of greatness. In the waste of his life, his fate touches us all (60).In Willys acceptance of his own commonness is his own ad hominem flaw. He doesnt strive to be any better but allows himself to dully, and almost dutifully accept that hes a dime a dozen. Susan C. W. Abbotson (1999) states in cause Death of a Salesman, Pursuing the dream of middle-class stipulation and success, Willy does everything he thinks a good salesman is supposed to do. He smiles, he tells jokes, he hustles women receptionists. But Willys talents are ordinary at best, and his value in the market is marginal (212). This is Willys great error.His mediocrity is a compromise to his once great dreams. Even in t he common mans world he doesnt stand out as unique or special his flaw is in his power to be invisible. No one seems to care in his existence and for Willy Loman, this realization in turn makes him not care about his own existence in a way, toward the end of the play at least, when his hope is close to banished. This small sentiment can be found in a few muttered lines from Willy, Ive always tried to think otherwise, I guess. I always felt that if a man was impressive, and well like, that nothing-(97). This sums up Lomans fate his drowning enthusiasm pitted against an uncaring cast of characters.With Oedipus this is the same his tragic hero status is ensured by his unwillingness to exist as a partial man without knowing his origins, without knowing his true identity. While Loman is realizing that he has no identity he thus becomes a tragic hero, for Oedipus when he discovers his true identity, therein lies his status as a tragic hero. He realizes his ego got in the way of his life. His ego was his ruin.Willy Lomans view of the world breaks when he loses his job. Loman faces the world as no ordinary common man but also an invisible entity left to make no difference on the face of the earth while Oedipus is deprive of his position and would rather not have lived (or seen what he had accomplished) because of the things he has done. As Arthur Miller states in Perrines Literature,Whoever heard of a Hastings small R refrigerator? Once in my life I would like to own, something outright before its broken Im always in a work with the junkyard I just finished paying for the car and its on its last legs. The refrigerator consumes belts like a Goddamn maniac. They time those things. They time them so when you finally paid for them theyre used up (1586).This is the truth behind the tragic hero Loman. The paradox for Loman as a tragic hero is in Aristotles definition of a tragic hero hes doomed to failure.In conclusion, Loman began his story with an aplomb of luck, or ego , or a blushful view of the world, and his story ends with destruction Loman is hit by a car. The connotation here is that Loman was blind in the beginning of Millers play, but not really in the second act. Loman has dwindling faith in himself and reality. Loman survived in life under false pretences, thus he suffers from his one flaw blindness. kit and caboodle CitedArp, Thomas R & Greg Johnson. Perrines Literature Structure, Sound and Sense. Heinle & Heinle /Thomson Learning, 2002, 8th edition.Bloom, Harold, ed. Willy Loman. New York Chelsea House, 1991.Hamilton, Victoria. Narcissus and Oedipus The Children of Psychoanalysis. London Karnac Books, 1993Jones, John. On Aristotle and Greek Tragedy. New York Oxford University Press, 1962.Miller, Arthur. Death of a Salesman. Penguin Books, New York, 1949.Murphy, Brenda, and Susan C. W. Abbotson. Understanding Death of a Salesman A Student Casebook to Issues, Sources, and Historical Documents. Westport, CT Greenwood Press, 1999.Sophocle s. Oedipus the King. Oedipus at Colonus. Antigone. Ed. David Greene and Richmond Lattimore. Random House, New York, 1942.

Saturday, May 25, 2019

Hospitality Management Essay

IntroductionThe tourism industry is rapidly becoming one of the hurrying increment and successful industries, with revenue of recorded 693 million world(prenominal) tourer arrivals in 2001, reported by World touristry Organization (WTO), nevertheless its translation cannot be applyd on. Youell (1998 pg.9) presents a definition given by WTO in 1993 defining tourism as activities of persons travelling to and staying in places outside their usual milieu for not more than one consecutive year for leisure and other purposes. During the nineteen century, in that location was a surge of mass tourism due to the procession of all types of transportation as well as the tuition of seaside resorts. Society had greater income and more time for leisure (Urry, 2002 pg 16). Although tourism industry go on to grow, there was a shift in the tourism behaviour, WTO justifies this behaviour stating that society had become more awargon of the environment and moderniseed the sudden absorb in different activities and opportunities involving local anaesthetic culture. Fennel describes alternative tourism as small scale locally-oriented, tourists became more aware of local communities and with the environment.This theory is supported by WTO adding that consumers are now looking for special, high quality, unfor riletable arrives in which they can be active participants. Furthermore it is added that special touch on tourism is an extra demand to tourist interest in engaging in more specific activities. Focusing solely on this topic, the author is to write a report on the suit of special interest tourism. In vagabond to achieve this, the author has elect to analyze the contacts of ecotourism in Amazon, brazil.Therefore the report should offer the reader, provided with a justification, a sight full reportage based on one only special interest tourism, highlighting its history, size of market, market segmentation and examples of products in stock(predicate) for the ch osen special interest tourism. A review of models of motivation and tourism motivation enabling a study of different characteristics of the participants in the chosen special interest tourism should be included on the second section the report.The third section provides the reader an evaluation and profile of ecotourism identifying key organizations, agencies, communities, and businesses mingled in the ripening of ecotourism in brazil-nut tree.Finally the utmost section incorporates an appropriate conclusion and recommendation which should include approaches that could provide a greater opportunity for the education and promotion of the ecotourism in the Amazon.Descriptive profile of the Special Interest Tourism activityThe author had a chance to consider all options of interrogation and carefully chosen to try a enquiry and write a report concerning ecotourism in the Amazon. This topic was chosen as this is a upstart concept of special interest tourism and is in constant gro wth. Also this gives the author a chance to in reach herself about ecotourism and its significance to the environment. As for the destination, Amazon was chosen because of its size, as it is the biggest tropical rain lumber in the world and biggest biodiversity. Ecotourism activities wipe out had a significant growth over the years due to consumer concern about the environment (WTO, 2002). join Nations decided to trifle 2002 the International Year of Ecotourism, focusing their reason to bring to entranceher governments, international agencies, NGOs, tourism enterprises, representatives of local and indigenous communities and identify some agreed principles and priorities for the future culture and management of ecotourism (Butcher, 2007, cited in CNEP/ WTO 2002a7).Although 2002 was awarded as the International Year of Ecotourism by the United Nations, there is a general uncertainty concerning its history and consequence. Fennel (1995, pg. 25) defines ecotourism relating to p ersonality, stating it is a sustainable form of natural, resource-base tourism that focuses primarily on experiencing and learning about nature connoting that such activity should occur in natural areas, contributing to the economy of this. contend to this, WTO gives an alternative meaning to ecotourism, in like manner based on the grounds of nature as form of tourism in which the main motivation of the tourists is the observation and compass of nature (WTO, 2002) Further to this, WTO views ecotourism as a form of tourism with 5 characteristics 1. Tourists motivation should be nature-based involving observation and appreciation of nature as well aspreserving it. 2. It should contain educational features.3. It should be organized by specialized tour operators for small groups. 4. It should minimize the negative impacts of the environment. 5. It should support the maintenance of natural areas by generating unspoiled income to local communities, organisations and authorities resp onsible for the conservation of ecotourism areas.In contrast to the above definitions, based on nature, the International Ecotourism Society (ITES) offers a more profound meaning relating nature to local communities, is responsible travel to natural areas that conserves the environment and improves the well being of local people (ITES). It is agreed that both(prenominal) organisations absorb the identical principles regarding the maintenance of ecotourism areas, where tourists should respect the environment, provide financial benefits and empowerment to local communities.Although there is a general contrariety on the exact meaning of ecotourism, all researchers agree that involves the environment and local communities however it appears that there is an uncertainty about its origin. Research shows that ecotourism can be traced back to the late 1970s, this supported by Fennel ( 18) who presents fair arguments from studies demonstrating the origin of ecotourism. He describ es how ecotourism emerged by means of tourists searching for environmental travelling surrounding nature and wildlife.In accordance with WTO (2002) ecotourism is a small niche market with a big potential for growth and economic advancement, one that if well managed can be used in conservation and preservation of nature and of the environment. Following their research based on the most popular countries for ecotourism, WTO has identified the market segmentation for ecotourists, which shows that The majority is aged between 30 and 50 years old in general women Preferred activities were wildlife viewing, being in wilderness areas equaled by seeing rare species. The top five preferred destinationsfor ecotourists were United kingdom, Europe, Africa, Asia and Latin AmericaEstimated as the biggest and richest ecosystems in the world, the state of Amazon in Brazil comprises of nine countries in South America all together, occupying almost half of the whole country. The state of Amazon is approximately 5million square kilometres, plaza to 200 mammal species, 950 bird species, 2,500 fish species and 300 reptiles species, making the Amazon the largest tropical rain forest in the world. In addition, the Amazon River, which cuts repair through the state, is the second biggest river in the world later on the Nile. Boats and ships are the best mood of transportation as the Amazon is covered in forest.Amazon got its name after the Portuguese explorers started expeditions along the river for a lost city known as Eldorado in the hope of uncovering a city do of gold, before the British, French and Spanish explorers found it. Eldorado could never be found, but the name remained the same. Amazon is not only the habitat of thousands of species but in addition home to indigenous tribes who live off the land just like their ancestors did depending on the ecosystem for their food, shelter and livelihoods. Although ecotourism is a new concept, it is rapidly becoming a l ibertine growing economic factor in the Amazon as it attracts major tourists for its attractions.On the other hand, it is also in danger due to deforestation, logging and forest cleaning, which presents a threat to the Amazon ( As a form of special interest tourism, it is important to have products available for this, which represents the nature preserving its natural habitat. With this in mind, there are many activities disposable for tourism as ecotourism is growing in the Amazon ( With the growth of ecotourism in the Amazon, many ecological crosswalks activities are provided to tourists wanting cope with with the largest biodiversity of the world. The National Park of Pico da Neblina and the national Park of Ja are two of the most popular locations for crosswalks in the Amazon ( popular product available to tourists is cave tourism otherwise known as espeleotourism, consisting of exploring the inside of caves and studying their formations. Within the Amazon, Mato Grosso is the most visited cave( Floatation is an additional form of ecotourism activity, consisting of light go down with the use of a snorkel and a mask allowing the diver to be enchanted by the beauty underneath the water.Mato Grosso is the most popular and sought after location for this in the State of Amazon. Fauna watching is popular for those mostly interested in wildlife. National Parks in the Amazon grants visitors with thousands of different species, experiencing nature at its best. Bird watching has become reasonably popular to numerous tourists who travel specifically to Amazon for its biodiversity in search of all types of endangered species.Considered as the most sophisticated city on the planet and an important location for ecological tourism, Manaus the capital of Amazon forest is home to almost 1.5 million inhabitants. The city attracts tourists for its natural beauty, ecological park s and a diverse of over 15 attractions ( These include Paricatuba Waterfall located in the bank of Negro river formed by sediment and surrounded by vegetation. Love cascade situated at Guedes bayou and filled with cold and crystal clear water. Parque do Mind, one of the last resorts housing endangered species. Grove of the National Research Institute of Amazonia (INPA) Zoo of the Forest War Instruction Center (CIGS) which house 300 species of animals, among monkeys, jaguars, ariranhas (Brazilian otters), snakes, alligators, macaws, tapirs and land turtles. random memory Beach whose only access is by riverboatIt is clear that tourists travel to Brazil for its raw beauty, especially to Amazon which is rich in biodiversity. Ecobrasil has published statistics on international ecotourism to which shows that 39% of tourists visit Brazil for its natural beauty, this being their main motivation for doing so, while 7% visit Amazon as their main source for ecotouri sm ( Ecobrasil has also demonstrated results carried by Embratur Domestic market study carried in 2005/2006 in which shows that 6% of tourists view ecotourism as a motivation for travel, confirming that only quatern million tourists are interested in ecotourism.Profile of the evidence of the motivation and satisfaction of SITAbove the author mentioned the statistics for tourists that visit Brazil and their motivation for such. moreover some researchers have identified other motives for motivation which explain reasons to choose a specific ecotourism location. Maslow generated a hierarchy of necessitys based on what motivates individuals when deciding where to go on holidays and what activities to pursue. This hierarchy of needs is based on a series of directs, starting on the lowest level and terminating on the upper level once all levels of achievement are satisfied.The hierarchy of needs is dis figure outed as a pyramid and at the lowest level, this for p hysiological needs, where individuals have the needs to occupy their most basic needs such as eating and clothing. Once this need is achieved, Maslow identifies the individuals desire to carry on achieving the remaining needs until all levels of the pyramid are satisfied (Mullins, 2007, p.258).On the contrary to this view, Ryan (1997) has argued that the tourist behaviour is behind the motivation of the traveller leading to a certain type of holidays, focusing on the social motivation rather than needs. He identifies how two tourists from different backgrounds can have different attitudes to holidays but have similar motivation for such stating both sets of behaviour arise from the need to be with others. Ryan also recognizes theoretical models of motivation by classifying theories and their researchers. One of these the concept identified by Pearce who argued travel motivation through the concept of travel career ladder, this corresponding to learning through tourist experience (R yan, 1997, p.37).The travel career ladder is characterised by different forms of motivations, with relaxation at the bottom of the ladder, followed by stimulation, relationship, self-esteem and development and fulfilment, and it should be by order of travel experience, the more experience they are, more interest they start developing and their motivation to travel start to increase. This meaning that a tourist on their first holiday is looking for relaxation however the more they travel, motivation starts to change as they become more concerned with learning about history and culture, and in time, the tourists will rich the upper level of the ladder, searching to get more involved in the province (Ryan, 1997).Other analyses have emerged with the expectancy of encountering tourists motivation for choosing this type of special interest tourism. Thus lobby and Weiler (1992) have identified researchers who have analyse motivations for specific special interest tourism. Hall and Weiler (1992) have identified research made by Crompton in which he noted that tourist were in a cultural and educational travel motivations. This can be said it is closed linked to what was later interpreted by Read (1980) in which he admits what motivates tourists is the need for authenticity and uniqueness as well as educational. With this he emerged with the persuasion of REAL tourism, translating that travelling should be rewarding, enriching, adventuresome and a learning experience for the tourist.Hall and Weiler have created a table identifying tourists motivations associated with the specific special interest tourism and they have concluded that tourists may have various motivators related to the special interest activity. Therefore, it is said that the motivations for the participants in ecotourism are apart from learning is to be in contact with the nature or indigenous civilians.A further argument into the motivations of tourists has emerged, as Page and Dowling (2002) present ed two sides of ecotourism hard and soft tourism. Hard tourism refers when the participant are environmentalist who take sustainability quite serious and is purely interest in the nature and being in contact with the wilderness, taking a prolonged trip in almost undisturbed location, while soft tourism refers to tourists in short term trip, have little contact with nature and are not strongly committed environmentalists.However, motivations are not the only factors tourists take into vizor when deciding on the special interest tourism. The type of product and expertise by those involved promoting this specific special interest tourism. Hall and Weiler (2002) argue that experienced professionals play an important role on the tourists selection of destination. Professionals such as Specialty trip up Index offer a multitude of travel opportunities worldwide(http// Evaluation of the development of a named SIT within an identified destination areaButcher (2007) views community participation as an important step to the development of ecotourism, as decisions made concerning ecotourism affects the community and their lives. Butcher adds that this initiative is also supported by World Wide Fund for nature (WWF) in which they state communities should have a high level of control on the development of ecotourism. Additionally communities should be intensely in all decision-making concerning the growth of the landscape tourism should therefrom respect and value local knowledge and experience, maximise benefits to communities, and recruit, train and employ local people at all levels (Butcher, p.67).Ecotourism should be beneficent local communities, conservation of the environment and provide financial contribution to the upkeep of a conservation project. In addition local communities involvement in the development of ecotourism improves the tourist experience (Page and Dowling, 2002).Alternative Travel Group (ATL) is an example of the ab ove, in which they work effectively with local communities. Founded in 1979 is an organisation based upon sustainability http// collaborates with local communities, listening and acting on what was suggested. This allows communities to express their concern about the conservation of their habitat (http// Profits go towards construction of infrastructures and conservation projects in the most necessitated areas. They incentive individuals to present their ideas and providing they are sustainable to which they can invest on. Hence they have various projects ongoing worldwide which benefit local communities and preserve the environment (http// It is not only local communities that play a vital role in the making and development of ecotourism, many organisations, agencies and small businesses have an important and constant involvement in the successful and promoting of this growing form of special interest tourism.World Wide Fund for nature (WWF) is the largest non-governmental organisation in the world. Based inover fifty-two offices and active in over ninety countries, it has over five million supporters worldwide, many volunteers (Butcher, p. 42). WWF has three main missions that represent their work safeguarding the natural world, tackling climate change and changing the way residents live. Consequently they have generated a program designed to protect the environment. Amongst other projects, WWF is working in ensuring the ecosystem in the Amazon maintains its environmental and cultural contribution to local people (http// WWF main objectives regarding the Amazon as a whole are Tackling deforestation Encouraging responsible agriculture and production Helping create protected forest Ensuring free-flowing rivers and forest-friendly roadsMoreover WWF has enlisted the admirer of Sky TV in promoting the safeguarding of rainforest in Amazon. Both work with local communities offering them with economical help to look after millions of hectares of forest, combating illegal logging and forest deforestation (http// Additionally WWF closely works with two UN bodies, International Union for the Conservation of Nature (IUCN) and United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP). WWF has written guidelines highlighting a community-based ecotourism in which the organisation directly works with communities in conserving and preserving the environment and provide advice on how to deal with issues surrounding their landscape.One of their project is based in Manaus, capital of Amazon, a community based initiative, the Silves standstill for Environmental and Cultural Preservation, this aims at protecting the fishing lakes at this site. On top pf this, WWF opened an ecolodge in the same region run by local people, 20% of all profits go towards the management of preservation of the site.In addition, WWF has created a programme in Br azil solely based on raising awareness about forms of ecotourism that should be practiced based on its principles (http// international ecotourism society (TIES) is a non-governmental organisation funded in 1990 with the objectives of aiding the development of ecotourism, helping communities, organisations to promote and practice the principles of ecotourism. TIES have clear aims concerning ecotourism which consists of bringing together individuals, institutions and tourism industries in the interest of ecotourism, educating tourist and professionals on ecotourism and influencing organisations on practicing all principles regarding ecotourism.Working in partnership with other NGOs such as Planeterra and, all three organisations provide tourists with opportunities to get involved in ecotourism activities, help local communities, work together in inform tourists on how to conserve the nature. Furthermore, they offer their own input on eco-destinations, allowing individuals to get some relevant information on ecotourism and its issues ( Planeterra is more involved with community, they still remain concerned with the environment. This non-governmental organisation organises community based projects worldwide in order to help local people live in a more environmental safe surroundings (http// The Brazilian Ecotourism and Adventure Travel Trade Association (ABETA) is an association that closely works on the development of ecotourism activities in Brazil. Their goal is to promote the conservation and preservation of Brazils cultural and historical hereditary pattern(http// ABETA promotes amongst adventure tourism, ecotourism activities such as bird watching, caving, safari and wildlife. Thus in partnership with the Tourism ministry, Brazilian tourism board (Embratur) and BBECO which is administered by ABETA, all have the same coarse aspiration promote Brazil as one of the top destinations for ecotourism while keeping it environmentally safe (http//, a Brazilian Tourism Board is an organisation responsible for providing policies in tourism related activities, including ecotourism activities such as hiking, cave tourism, floatation, bird watching and fauna watching ( Ecobrasil, a Brazilian ecotourism Associationis a NGO founded in 1993 whose primarily focus is on ecotourism. Whilst incorporate a clear mission in which they want to promote Brazil as a reliable destination for ecotourism, their vision is to forward ecotourism and sustainable tourism through building knowledge networks and participate in and/or develop projects that helped advance the knowledge about good ecotourism practices and planning in Brazil.Hence their objectives is to create a network of data solely on ecotourism, commission in minimising the impact of tourism on the environment, acknowledge statistics on ecotourism and represent ecotourism on a worldwide level ( Proecotur Programa de Desenvolvimento do Ecoturismo na Amaznia Legal (programme of ecotourism development at the Legal Amazon) recognises that ecotourism has a huge potential to be converted into the biggest source of income on the Amazon, predicting up to three million ecotourist annually. Therefore they have generated new strategies to guarantee that Amazon becomes the most popular state for ecotourism. They believe the creation of a sustainable environment does not require greater investments, rather levelheaded strategies for transportation. With this to attract tourists they agree that there is a need for improvement in the transportation and improvement of the quality of services available to tourists plus there should be a creation of more sustainable products (http// tourism is not a new concept, ecotouris m is. This emerged with the individuals growing concern with the environment. There is a general disagreement when defining ecotourism but many researchers and organisations agree that is a form of activity in which participants want to be in touch with the nature and with the environment and this should follow principles set by organisations for the safekeeping of the environment and also benefiting local communities.Various researchers have attempted to clarify the motivations for tourist choice of destinations and specials type of interest, and with this it was concluded that no(prenominal) could have a general agreement on these except thattourist could have common attitude when selecting destinations. They could be educational and cultural however the idea of tourist wanting new, unique and untouched surroundings gave away to the new concept of Real travel rewarding, enriching, adventuresome and learning.Ecotourism is a growing and prosperous form of special interest tourism a nd the activities incorporated for this are increasingly generating income to those involved in promoting ecotourism and to local communities who should be involved in the decision-making concerning the development of ecotourism.The author during the research into organisations involved in the promotion of ecotourism has come across the fact that most organisations are non-governmental organisations that depend on volunteers. Also the majority of these organisations are interrelated having common objectives when it comes to ecotourism promoting all ecotourism activities, safeguarding the environment and preserving the nature.RecommendationsAlthough organisations are interlinked with one another, it appears that it is not enough, as the market segmentation show, only a certain type of individuals practice ecotourism and ecotourism related activities. Brazil is popular with tourist for its beauty therefore NGOs, agencies and business should do more to promote ecotourism in Brazil, spe ciality in Amazon, which is a huge area with a lot to offer to all types of tourists.Hence all organisations should work together not only in the safeguarding of the environment but advertise Brazil as the best country for ecotourism, enhancing its beauty and reasons to visit as well as promoting ecotourism activities in a way that appeals to all age groups and gender. Additionally NGOs, agencies and business should striving the need to practice the imposed regulations in protected areas in order to preserve the nature for tomorrow.Another recommendation would be to look how other forms of special interest tourism could be useful in providing aid in the development of ecotourism. An example of this would be religious tourism. For this type of specialinterest tourism there is an online religious organisation which incentives spiritualists to include faith in their living. They relate religion and faith with the environment believing that there are simple travel that individuals cou ld do to help recreate the earth preserving the environment, it also emphasises the need to care for nature. Therefore this initiative could be adopted in order to lure tourists into feel for and investing more in ecotourism.Words 4,017References Abeta (2008) Brazil land of nature and adventure. Internet, Brazil, Available from http// Accessed 30 November. Amazon rain forest (2004) Save the Amazon rainforest Internet. Available from http// Accessed 2nd celestial latitude 2009. ATG Oxford (1979) ATG Quality value Internet, Oxford, Available from http// Accessed 3rd December 2009. Butcher, J. ed (2007) Ecotourism, NGOs and development a critical analysis. Oxon, Routledge. Fauna Brasil (2005) O portal da fauna brasileira. Internet, Brazil, Available from http// Accessed 13 December 2009. Fennell, D. (1999) Ecotourism.2ed. Oxon, Routledge. Instituto Ecobrasil (199 3) Instituto Ecobrasil ecoturism-turismo sustentavel Internet, Brazil. Available from Accessed 2nd December 2009. Ministerio do turismo (2005) Brasil Internet, Brazil, Available from http// Accessed 2nd December 2009. Mullins, L. (2007) Management and Organisational Behaviour.8ed. England, Pearce Education Limited. Page, S.J & Dowling, R. Ed (2002) Ecotourism. Essex, Pearson Education Limited Planeterra (2003) Planeterra. Internet,Available from http// Accessed 27 November 2009. Specialty Travel Index (1980) Adventure & Special Interest Travel Internet, San Anselmo, Available from http// Accessed 2nd December 2009. The International Ecotourism Society (1990) International Ecotourism Society. Washington. Available from http// Accessed 27 September 2009. Urry, J. (2002) The Tourist gaze.2ed. London, Sage Publi cations LTD. Youell, R. (1998) Tourism an introduction.2ed.Essex, Addison Wesley Longman Limited. Weiler, B & Hall, C.M, Ed (1992) Special Interest tourism. London, Belhaven Press. World Tourism Organisation (2002) World overview & tourism topics. Madrid, world tourism organisation. WWF (1961) WWF for a living planet Internet, Surrey, Available from http// Accessed 3rd December 2009. WWF (2001) Guidelines for Community-based ecotourism development. WWF International.

Friday, May 24, 2019

Bharathanatyam Dance Essay

Bharatanatyam is a classical Indian dance form offsetating in the South Indian stir of Tamil Nadu.12345 This dance form denotes various 19th and 20th century reconstructions of Sadir, the art of tabernacle dancers. Sadir in turn, is derived from ancient dance forms that includes some acrobatic karanas. Bharatnatyam is unremarkably accompanied by Carnatic music. It has its inspirations from the sculptures of the ancient temple of Chidambaram. Bharatanatyam, as the name depicts is the combination of Bha Bhavam (means expression), Ra Ragam (means music), Ta Talam (means beat or rhythm) and Natyam (means dance) in Tamil. A possible origin of the name is from Bharata Muni, who wrote the Natya Shastra to which Bharathanatyam owes many of its ideas. This etymology also holds up to scrutiny better since Bharathanatyam is pronounced with short (kuril) forms of bha, ra and tha whereas each of bhavam, ragam and talam contain the long (nedil) forms.Bharatnatyam proper is a exclusively dan ce, with two aspects, lasya, the graceful feminine lines and movements, and tandava Ananda Thandavam (Tamil) (the dance of Shiva), masculine aspect, which is identical to the Yin and Yang in the Chinese culture At present, Bharatnatyam recitals are usually not performed inside the temple shrine but outside it, and even outside the temple compounds at various festivals. Most contemporary performances are given on the stage with a live ensemble. In popular culture, the adapted, or semi-classical, Bharatnatyam has been exposed largely through depiction in popular movies and TV programs. Learning Bharatnatyam normally takes many historic period before the arangetram (debut). There are academic and commercialized dance institutes in many countries. Many people choose to learn Carnatic music along with Bharatanatyam as they go together. At present, not only the Hindus but many Christians and Muslims learn it, bringing it beyond the rigid forms of religious boundaries.

Thursday, May 23, 2019

9th Amendment

History of the 9th Amendment The 9th Amendment reads The enumeration in the report, of certain rights, shall not be construed to deny or disparage others retained by the race. In other words, people retain more rights than the ones listed in the Constitution. The 9th amendment is one the least referred to Amendments in decisions of the Supreme Court. People also say it is one of the most confusing, controversial and misunderstood Amendments to the Constitution.The 9th Amendment has an provoke background. When the Constitution was create verbally by the Constitutional Convention and submitted to the States for ratification, many began to argue that the Constitution did not protect the basic natural rights of the citizens. The Anti-Federalist Party (Thomas Jefferson, Patrick Henry, and George Mason) claimed that unless certain rights were written down in a Bill of Rights, the government would take over these rights and abuse people.Meanwhile, people in the Federalist Party, includ ing George Washington, John Adams, mob Madison and Alexander Hamilton, believed that the Constitution didnt give the government the authority to do anything that wasnt stated in it. Therefore, they concluded that the Bill of Rights was not only unnecessary, but even potentially dangerous.They believed that if specific rights were listed to be protected from government involvement, people would get the idea that the government controlled the rights that were excluded. After hearing both sides of the argument, James Madison took a sales booth and tried coming up with a resolution to the problem even though he agreed more with the Federalists. On June 8, 1789, he brought up to coition a list of his own suggested amendments to Congress.Among one of the Amendments, was a solution that was later called the 9th Amendment. His solution was worded like this The exceptions here or elsewhere in the constitution, made in favor of particular rights, shall not be so construed as to diminish th e just importance of other rights retained by the people or as to enlarge the powers delegated by the constitution but either as actual limitations of such powers, or as inserted merely for greater caution.The Congress accepted James Madisons solution, but not without some final touches before it was added to the Constitution. Congress simplified the wording so that it could be understood better by the people. In the end, the Anti-Federalists won the argument and the Bill of Rights was added to the Constitution. Works Cited 9th Amendment to the US Constitution. 9th Amendment. Web. 16 Feb. 2012. . 2. Farber, Daniel A. The Silent Ninth Amendment Gives Americans Rights They Dont Know They Have. Home. Web. 18 Feb. 2012. .

Wednesday, May 22, 2019

Ancient Greek Contributions

Ancient Greek civilizations originated in 2000 B. C. and lasted to about 300 B. C. their culture still impacts Western civilization. Also Greeks spread their ideas all over the world. They contributed signifi bedtly with the ideas of geometry, philosophy, government, sporting events, architecture, sculpture, drama, and more. All of this came about and reached new heights during Greeces lucky Age. This age lasted for about 50 years. Today all of our lives are greatly affected and influenced from the lives of Greeks. Today in the Western civilizations they use a form of government called democracy. Doc 3) There is a fragment from Pericles Funeral Oration. It describes Athens governmental throw. A system of government called democracy, where more citizens participate and have more say. In direct democracy citizens rule directly not by means of representation. Part of Pericles plan for Athens was to increase the number of public officials with paid salaries and use direct democracy. Pericles plan for democracy was also for the poor to not be discriminated for social rankings. He also wanted the citizens to serve his country at both position on the social scale but you have to be a specify citizen.Pericles once stated power is in the hands not of a minority but of the whole people. Athens went through a closure of time of power struggles between the rich and poor. Today there are many countries that use democracy as a form of government. During Athens Golden Age philosophy started to take over. A philosopher is a person who offers views or theories on profound questions in ethics, metaphysics, and logic. They were also known as lovers of wisdom. Philosophers taught through questioning about life, family, friends, and religion. Socrates, a philosopher that came about during the birth of philosophy.He believed there was absolute standards existed for truth and justice. Socrates encouraged people to question their clean-living character and actions. For mannik in, whiz of his most famous quotes was The unexamined life is not worth living (Doc1). At the age of 70 he was brought to trial for corrupting the youth of Athens. establishment officials thought these ideas were radical, absurd, and dangerous. Socrates defended himself by forcing people to think for themselves. He had the decision to drink hemlock, a slow acting poison or tell the world that everything he said was a lie.He chose the hemlock and died. His contribution became an important part of Western civilization, a lesson that taught people to think for themselves and to stand up for what they believe in. Aristotle lived from 384 to 322 B. C. He was a student of Plato. Aristotle opened a school in Athens called the Lyceum. He believed in studying how things originated to achieve the clearest view. Aristotle invented a method for arguing accord to logic. Aristotle questioned the nature of the world and human belief. He applied this method to psychology, physics, and biology.He believes that a life guided by human reason is superior to any other and that someones ability to reason distinguishes them from anyone else (Doc2). These ideas of human reasoning and standards for justice are still used in western civilization, therefore wake Greeces influence and contribution. Another area of Greek achievement is theater. In ancient Greece plays became important. There were two kinds of plays written and performed, comedy and tragedy. A comedy bum then usually made fun of a certain topic. A tragedy in ancient Greece usually dealt with a social or moral issue, or human suffering.In a tragedy play a girl named Antigone goes against the kings orders and buries her brother, who was killed while leading a rebellion (Doc 6) shows an example of a tragedy play. In this play many Greeks values were expressed which is the same purpose of the majority of western civilizations plays today which was to express certain values. It can easily be noted that all over the world i s significantly impacted by ancient Greece. They made major development and advancements in the areas of math, science, philosophy, art, government, and architecture.

Tuesday, May 21, 2019

Process Strategy and Analysis: Toyota Motors Case study Essay

Toyota Motor Corporation, Japans medium-largest and the worlds 4 carmaker by 2003 gross sales (after General Motors, Ford, and Daimler Chrysler), had a wide range of returns and strong brand names with high part image. Toyotas growing story for smell and very small numbers of technical troubles in its vehicles generated interesting client loyalty and a growing demand for its products. Toyota focus was managing the companys muniment, costs and capacity very successfully and was applying cost reduction programs very well. Toyota had riving ambition to become greener. The company made a hybrid-powered (gas and electric) sedan- the prius- that had already being snapped up in U.S. and European markets.Toyota also made huge investments in developing fuel-cell technology for its vehicles. Its gas-powered cars, pick-ups, minivans, and SUVs included such models as the Camry, Celica, Corolla, 4Runner, Echo, Land Cruiser, Sienna, the luxury Lexus line, and a full-sized pick-up truck, the v-8 Tundra. Toyota also was making forklifts and manufactured housing, and was offering consumer financial services. With its wide distri saveion take, strong channel efficiency and effectiveness, Toyota was both successfully competing with the worlds upper cardinal auto makers and poised to replace GM in the top spot this decade.Toyota was known world-wide for its up-to-date vehicles, strong vehicle design, comfort sufficientness, safety, strong resistance to wind and rollover, suffering fuel consumption, presence of electronic and other devices in the vehicles, and strong reputation for luxury. Surveys, however, rated the attractiveness and comfort of its passenger cars as mediocre. Also rated mediocre was the off-road excellence of its SUVs. Toyota was a leader in technological purifyments, such as drive, production and vehicle construction technology and had a solid readiness to design and innovates new products, to evidence its products, to innovate new vehicle lines, or to extend existing vehicle lines.Global sales of Toyota vehicles were increasing every year beginning in 2001. Toyota showed a increase of 20% in its sales from March 2002 to March 2003 and growth of 49.6% in its net income for the same period. This increase reflected not nevertheless the whole tone of its vehicles, but also Toyotas strong efficiency in sale operations, applying unity-to-one marketing, entering into partnership and joint ventures with other companies world-wide, being price competitive, strongly applying sales incentives such as warranty extensions, and applying advertisement tools such as TV commercials, ads in magazines and newspapers and exhibition presentations. Toyota needed little use of financing packages and radio commercials in its sale incentive programs. Also, Toyota was known for strong after-sale services that helped the company to strengthen relationships with its guests and caliber of service provided to them.Toyota had a strong, unique corp orate culture that helped the company rest very well organised and highly competitive. Toyota also had strong co-operation with its partners and among its divisions that allowed Toyota to further co-ordinate interdivisional operations.In comparison to its big three competitors, Toyota had strong manufacturing operations with the qualification to put forward highly innovative products, taking advantage of low cost structures, ability to open new manufacturing plants, benefiting from economies of scale. Transplant assembling. Availability of technology for its production, and availability and standards of sources, the ability to enter new markets, and the like, Also, Toyota had strongly balanced its activities both domestically and internationally.There ar five basis ways in approve (1) slash resources, (2) reduce errors, (3) meet or exceed expectations of downstream nodes, (4) make the operation safer, and (5) make the bear upon more satisfying to the somebody doing it.First, a process that uses more resources than needful is wasteful. Reports that are distributed to more people than necessary wastes copying and distribution time, material, user read time, and, eventually, life space.Second, for the well-nigh part, errors are a sign of poor craftsmanship and require rework. Typing errors that are detected after the computer printout require opening the file, making the correction, and printing the revised document.Third, meeting or exceeding expectations of downstream customers ameliorates the process. For example, the better the weld, the less grinding required, making the appearance of a finish paint moreThe fourth way a process can be improved is by making it safer. A safer workplace is a more productive one with fewer lost-time accidents and less workers compensation claims.The fifth way to improve process is to increase the satisfaction of the individual performing the process. Sometimes a little change, such as an ergonomicallyMake a substanti al change in a persons attitude toward their work.Manufacturing cycleThe manufacturing cycle typically occurs at the distributor/ producer for retailer/ manufacturer) interface and includes all processes involved in replenishing distributor (or retailer) inventory. The manufacturing cycle is triggered by customer orders or by the forecast of customer demand and current product availability in the manufacturers finished-goods warehouse.One extreme in a manufacturing cycle is an integrated steel mill that collects orders that is similar enough to enable the manufacturer to produce in large quantities. In this case, the manufacturing cycle is reacting to customer demand (referred to as a pull process). Another extreme is a consumer products firm that must(prenominal)(prenominal) produce in foretaste of demand. In this case the manufacturing cycle is anticipating customer demand (referred to as a push process). The processes involved in the manufacturing cycleOrder arrival from the finished-goods warehouse, distributor, retailer, or customerProduction computer programingManufacturing and shippingReceiving at the distributor, retailer, or customerOrder arrivalDuring this process a finished- goods warehouse or distributor sets a transposition order trigger based on the forecast of future demand and current product inventories. The resulting orders are then conveyed to the manufacturer. In some cases the customer or retailer may be ordering directly from the manufacturer. In other cases a manufacturer may be producing to stock a finished products warehouse. In the latter situation, the order is triggered based on product availability and a forecast of future demand. This process is similar to the retail order trigger process in the replenishment cycle.Production schedulingThis process is similar to the order entry process in the replenishment cycle where inventory is allocated to an order. During the production scheduling process, orders (or forecasted orders) are allocated to a production plan. Given the desired production quantities for each product, the manufacturer must decide on the precise production sequence. If there are multiple lines, the manufacturer must also decide which products to allocate to each line. The objective of the production scheduling process is to maximise the proportion of orders filled on time plot of ground keeping costs down.Manufacturing and ShippingThis process is equivalent to the order fulfilment process described in the replenishment cycle. During the manufacturing phase of the process, the manufacturer produces to the production schedule. During the shipping phase of this process, the product is shipped to the customer, retailer, distributor, or finished-product warehouse. The objective of the manufacturing and shipping process is to create and ship the product by the promised due date while meeting quality requirements and keeping costs down.DistributionToyota used the traditional distribution channe ls vehicles from the production places were distributed to national or regional distribution, which then distributed the vehicles to the local dealers. The three units of Toyota that produced passenger cars, SUVs, light trucks, and mini vans. Toyota was also entering into partnerships with other carmakers world-wide, such as South Korean Hyundai and Chinese carmakers, and used their distribution channels to enter the markets where these partners were predominant. With these activities, Toyota was trying to balance its distribution channels world-wide and to increase the efficiency and effectiveness of their distribution channels.ManufacturingToyota had manufacturing facilities in 37 countries and sold its products in 200 countries nigh the world. As the situation deteriorated in 2003, manufacturers were increasingly experiencing inventory problems as they were unable to shift their growing stockpile of cars into the saturated fleet market. With the increasing costs of product stor age and reduced retail revenues, coupled with relaxed consumer demand, production cuts was likely to occur in the company. Also, Toyota was looking for ways to open production places in regions like china and Mexico, in order to benefit from cheap labour force and gain competitive advantage.In this process the product is received at the distributor, finished-goods warehouse, retailer, or customer and inventory records are updated. Other processes related to storage and fund transfers also take place.Few companies in the world excel at continuous avail on a corporate-wide basis like Toyota MotorCorporation. Toyota is perhaps best known for its highly effective production system, dubbed lean manufacturing by an MIT study in the 1980s (Womack et. Al, 1990). But interestingly, historys most efficient method of production was not born from a sudden brainstorm by an intelligent individual (although Toyota has had plenty of those over the years). Rather, it evolved into its present stat e over decades of sustained, high level of continuous improvement exertion (Cusumano, 1985).Toyotas efficiency extends not only to the production floor, but also to product development, prototyping, testing, and all other business operations. Manufacturers the world over have been emulating Toyotas practices, and have done so with lots success (Liker, 1998). However, unlike Toyota, much of the success has been confined to the production floor and little success elsewhere.Toyotas product development system, the first author prime this tool to be used pervasively and with incredible power and effectiveness (Sobek, 1997). Toyota uses it to systematically guide problem-solvers through a rigorous process, document the key outcomes of that process, and visualize improvements. The tool is used so pervasively that it forms a keystone in Toyotas world-famous continuous improvement program. Toyota calls this tool the A3 piece of music.The A3 Problem-Solving ReportThe A3 report is so named because it is written on an A3 sized paper (metric equivalent of 11 x 17). Toyota has developed several kinds of A3 reports for different applications.Every report commences with a theme or title. The theme indicates the problem being addressed, and is fairly descriptive. The theme should focus on the problem, and not advocate a particular originThemeEvery report starts with a theme or title. The theme indicates the problem being addressed, and is fairly descriptive. The theme should focus on the problem, and not advocate a particular solutionAs Spear and Bowen (1999) elucidate, Toyota indoctrinates its people with its own version of the scientific methodevery improvement is designed as an experiment. The A3 problem-solving process is a structure to execute the scientific method. The current condition and root cause constitutes the necessary background research, the target condition and implementation plan outline the experimental design and the brushup plan states the hypothe sis.TQM is based on a number of ideas. It means thinking about quality in terms of all functions of the enterprise and is a start is a start-to-finish process that integrates interrelated functions at all levels. It is a systems approach that considers every interaction between the various elements of the organisation. Thus, the overall effectiveness of the system is higher(prenominal) than the sum of the individual outputs from the subsystems. The subsystems include all the organisational functions in the life cycle of a product, such as () design, (2) planning, (3) production, (4) distribution, and (5) field service.The management subsystems also require integration, including (1) dodge with a customer focus, (2) the tools of quality and (3) employee involvement (the linking process that integrates the whole). A corollary is that any product, process, or service can be improved, and a successful organisation is one that consciously seeks and exploits opportunities for improvement at all levels. The load-bearing structure is customer satisfaction. The watchword is continuous improvement. (Ross, 2)Hence TQM requires six basic conceptsA committed and involved management to provide long-term top-to bottom organisational support.An unwavering focus on the customer, both internally and externally.Effective involvement and utilisation of the entire work force. unbroken improvement of the business and production process.Treating suppliers as partners.Establish performance measures for the processes. (Besterfield, Michna, Besterfied & Sacre, p.2)(Crosby, 1979) presented the following steps in order to undertake TQM effectively.Management Commitment Top management must become convinced of the need for quality and must clearly communicate this to the entire company be written policy, starting that each person is expected to perform according to the requirement or cause the requirement to be officially changed to what the company and the customers really need. graphic s ymbol improvement team From a team composed of department heads to oversee improvements in their departments and in the company as a whole. graphic symbol measurement Establish measurements appropriate to every activity in order to identify areas in need of improvement.Cost of quality Estimate the costs of quality in order to identify areas where improvements would be profitable. fictional character awareness Raise quality awareness among employees. They non-conformance.Corrective action Take corrective action as a result of steps 3 and 4. cypher defects planning From a committee to plan a program appropriate to the company and its culture.Supervisor training All levels of management must be expert in how to implement their part of the quality improvement program.Zero defects day Schedule a day to signal to employees that the company has a new standard. finishing setting Individuals must establish improvement goals for themselves and their groups.Error causes removal Employees shou ld be encouraged to inform management of any problems that prevent them from performing error large-minded work.Recognition Give public, non-financial appreciation to those who meet their quality goals or perform outstandingly. fictional character councils Composed of quality professionals and team chairpersons, quality councils should meet regularly to apportion experiences, problems, and ideas.Does it all over again Repeat steps 1 to 13 in order to emphasise the never-ending process of quality improvement. (Ross, p. 6-7)Management must participate in the quality program. A quality council must be established to develop a clear vision, set long-term goals, and direct the program. Quality goals are included in the business plan. An annual quality improvement program is established and involves input from the entire work force. Managers participate on quality improvement teams and also act as coaches to other teams. TQM is a continual activity that must be entrenched in the culture - it is not just a one-shot program. TQM must be communicated to all people. The key to an effective TQM program is its focus on the customer. An excellent place to start is by satisfying internal customers. We must listen to the voice of the customer and emphasise design quality and defect prevention.Do it right the first time and every time, for customer satisfaction is the most important consideration. TQM is an organisation-wide challenge that is everyones responsibility. All personnel must be trained in TQM, statistical process concord (SPC), and other appropriate quality improvement skills so they can effectively participate on project teams. Including internal customers and, for that matter, internal suppliers on project teams are an excellent approach. They understand the process better than anyone else does. Changing behaviour is the goal. People must come to work not only to do their jobs, but also to think about how to improve their jobs. People must be empowered at the lowest possible level to perform processes in an optimum manner.There must be a continued effort to improve all business and production processes. Quality improvement projects, such as on-time delivery, order entry efficiency, billing error rate, customer satisfaction, cycle time, scrap reduction, and supplier management, are good places to begin technical techniques such as SPC, benchmarking, quality function deployment, and designed experiments are excellent for problem solving. On the average 40% of pounds is purchased product or service therefore, the supplier quality must-be outstanding.A partnering relationship rather than an adversarial one must be developed. two parties have as much to gain or lose based on the success or failure of the product or service. The focus should be on quality and life-cycle costs rather than price. Suppliers should be few in numbers so that true partnering can occur. Performance measures such as uptime, part non-conforming, absenteeism, and cust omer satisfaction should be determined for each functional area. These measures should be posted for everyone to see. Quantitative data are necessary to measure the continuous quality improvement activity. (Besterfield, Michna, Besterfied & Sacre, p.3)The purpose of TQM is to provide a quality product and/or service to customers, which will, in turn, increase productivity and lower cost. With a higher quality product and lower price, competitive position in the marketplace will be enhanced. This series of events will allow the organisation to achieve the objectives of profit and growth with greater case. In addition, the work force will have job security, which will create a satisfying place to work. As previously stated. TQM requires a cultural change. The change is substantial and will not be accomplished in a short period of time. Small organisations will be able to make the transformation much faster than large organisations. (Besterfield, Michna, Besterfied & Sacre, p.3)Hence s ummarising the key points discussed above, productivity is a major concern of managers. It implies measurement, an essential step in the control process. The productivity measurement of skill workers is generally easier than that of knowledge workers such as managers. Yet managerial productivity is very important, especially for organisations operating in a competitive environment.Production management refers to those activities necessary to manufacture products it may also include purchasing, warehousing, transportation, and other operations. Operations management has a similar meaning, referring to activities necessary to produce and deliver a service as well as a physical product.The operations management systems model show inputs, the transformation process, outputs, and the feedback system. A manikin of tools and techniques make operations more productive. Seven steps are a lot involved in planning and designing a product and its production. Companies can contain from six di fferent kinds of production layouts. In order to operate the system, the managerial functions of organising, staffing, and leading must be carried out effectively. Controlling requires an information system often supported by computers. (Koontz and Weihrich, 1994 p.653)Among the various tools for planning and controlling operations is operations research, which is the application of scientific methods to the study of alternatives in a problem situation to let a quantitative basis for arriving at the best solution. The operation research procedure consists of six steps. Examples of tools are linear programming, inventory planning and control, the just-in time inventory system, and distribution logistics. Other tools and techniques are time-event inventory system, engineering, work simplification, quality circles, total quality management, and a variety of computer-aided approaches. (Koontz and Weihrich, 1994 p.653)ReferencesBesterfield, D. H., Michna, C. B., Besterfied, G., H., & Sa cre, B. S., (no date available). Total Quality Management, Third Edition, pp. 1-3.Crosby, P., (1979). Quality is Free, New York McGraw-Hill, 1979.Cusumano, M.A., 1985, The Japanese Automobile Industry Technology and Management at Nissan andToyota, Harvard University Press, Cambridge, MA.Koontz, H., and Weihrich, H., (1994). Management A Global Perspective, Tenth Edition, McGraw-Hill, International Editions, pp.633-653Ross, J. E., (no date available). Total Quality Management Text, Cases and Readings, Second Edition, Florida Atlantic University, Boca Raton, Florida, pp. 1-3Liker, J.K. (ed.), 1998, Becoming Lean Inside Stories of U.S. Manufacturers, Productivity Press, Portland, OR.Sobek, II, D.K., 1997, Principles that Shape Product Development Systems A Toyota-Chrysler Comparison, Ph.D. dissertation, The University of Michigan, Ann Arbor.Spear, S. and H.K. Bowen, 1999, Decoding the DNA of the Toyota Production System, Harvard duty Review, Sept.-Oct., 77(5), 97-106.Womack, J., D.T. Jones, and D. Roos, 1990, The Machine that Changed the World The Story of LeanProduction, HarperPerennial, New York.

Monday, May 20, 2019

What is a societal problem you believe needs to be addressed?

Although there argon numerous societal problems that needs immediate attention but iodine problem which I come up needs most of the attention is society morality conflict. I would further elaborate my statement by saying that the people living in the society have become immoral and they indulge themselves in those kinds of acts that be non only immoral but they argon unethical as well. Abortion is one major part of the moral conflicts between the societies as there are some people who are against it while some think that it is a human right.However, I would say that killing the baby without whatsoever valid reason or justification is not ethical. Moreover, the people are getting much and more prone to drugs and drinking and this not only harms the health of the individuals who consume drugs but it also leaves a negative impact on the society. Prostitution is also seen on a rise as the men are unsatisfied with their life partners and this is one quick way for the women to make money despite of the fact that this is not a moral practice.One more conflict in the society is occurring between the people who think in God and the people who follow atheism. Atheists are the people who do not believe in any gods and this gives a negative connotation because most of the people in the society worship gods. payable to the rise in unemployment and the people being unable to support their living, they are left with two options all they tend to commit suicide or they indulge in unethical acts that affect the society in a negative way and these have become a major evil for the society and the people.

Mountain Pine Beetle Management

Adult big bucks Pine Beetles (MPBs) are cognise to bore into trees that are suitable for laying eggs in the trees bark. Mature lodgepole pines (Pinus contorta Douglas var. latifolia Engelmann) from 80 to long hundred years old are only some of the many trees infested and damaged by MPBs. Pine overhang problems such as tree infestation and damage occur when MPBs begin to settle in a tree and lay its eggs of 60 to 80.Canadian forests have experienced MPB infestation since previous years, with the stadium of British Columbia currently suffering from the largest pest outbreak in the history of Canada with over 7 million hectares infested in 2004. The region of Alberta has previously experienced two pest outbreaks from 1940 to 1943 and from 1977 to 1985. However, there is an imminent nemesis of a nonher MPB outbreak. Research identifies the threat as caused by the overwhelming abundance of open pine forests placed at the easterlyern slope of the Rockies. The MPB outbreak threat is also believed to expand from the pine forests to the boreal forests east of the Rocky Mountains.For this reason, Alberta is seeking measures to prevent another MPB outbreak from occurring. The primary goal is to reduce the number of susceptible pine trees from the infestation of pine beetles before the MPBs reach the region for the third time. An objective taken in Alberta so far is early identification of susceptible pine trees in order to control and can the event where there is already infestation. Some of the areas aimed at preempting an MPB outbreak include the national parks dictated between Alberta and British Columbia, as well as public, private and municipal lands in Alberta.One of the measures taken is the removal of the susceptible prime brood producing stands. This step is designed to mitigate the probability of the growth of the MPB population. at one time this step is already established, the growth of the MPB population is expected to slow down after which a ado pt control efforts on the MPB infestation will be applied.Estimates from aerial and ground surveys since August 2006 indicate a total of 2.8 million trees infested by the pine beetle. There are current efforts in Alberta in answer the probable outbreak such as the efforts taken by the Alberta Sustainable Resource Development which find and treated over a thousand infested trees, 98% of which were treated in 2002 to 2003. Economic estimates reveal that the concern of an MPB outbreak will greatly affect the wood and furniture industry.Possible solutions roughly include, but is not limited to, MPB mitigation efforts which are strategically planned and well-coordinated among land managers such as Parks Canada, first-year Nations, Alberta Community Development, the forest industry as well as the municipalities. In the event where there is already a rampant MPB outbreak, a salvage strategy will be applied by get dead and dying trees before the fiber is lost in order to obtain the pin e trees which whitethorn still be of good use.The operation will be spearheaded by the disposal of Alberta in cooperation with the alert public and private organizations and concerned individuals through coordinated efforts. Constant monitoring and studies taken by the government teams for mitigating the probable and eventual MPB infestation will be applied alongside with the incorporation of efforts from private entities.ReferencesMountain Pine Beetles in Your Backyard? from http//, H. (2003). The Mountain Pine Beetle Scope of the Problem and Key Issues in Alberta. Paper presented at the Mountain Pine Beetle Symposium Challenges and Solutions.

Sunday, May 19, 2019

Commedia Del’Arte †Character Analysis Essay

PANTALONEPantal single is of perish pecking order. He is wealthy and controls the finance in the character world of commedia, therefore his orders are normally obeyed by all. He is the father of Isabella.He wears dark colours of black, grey and red dynamic Pantaloons, tight-fitting broad red trousers or red breeches and stockings, a shortsighted tight-fitting jacket, a loose grand black cloak with plain sleeves, red-woollen skull-cap and yellow turkish slippers.He is lean and scrawny and oftentimes short in stature. He wears a mask with a foresightful, hooked nose with bushy eyebrows, sometimes overly a moustache. Pointed beard just forward as if to meet the nose coming down, thus swelled a very dynamic profile.His signature props are a gold chain hung or so his neck with a large medallion as well as a dagger and a specie pouch. He also carried a ubiquitous handkerchief and used a walking trampe.His vertebral column bends giving him a hunched old mans stoop, which protect ed his round off and effectively restricted the motion of his legs. His feet are together, toes apart, knees well bent and facing apart creating a focus on his crutch. His legs are also much more muscled with the possibility of sustaining extreme forward positions of the torso or qualification large yards.Bullying, aggressively and mean-minded, Pantalone, a pauper who had squandered his dignity along with his cash. Hes always on the prowl and he could be termed a Beelzebub of sex. Any woman who happens to cross his path becomes at once an object of winks, leers and nudges he parades up and down in a series of showily proud struts, trips, trots and sudden halts.His walk is small and slow and he can only walk at one pace whatever his feet do his legs cannot go any faster, whatever the motive or stimulus. Hesold in body, but his head, feet and hands are hushed active. The hands (which he cant keep to himself) flutter continuously, gesticulating each thought as it comes into his h ead. The only way he can stop this is to hold them behind his back, underneath his cloak.His voice is similar to a high pitched boot that continuously breaks. Its cold and prudish and demanding. Pantalone gives voice to the darker side of the male consciousness, a secret whiz to the unenlightened males in the audience.He is mean to his servants, narrow-mindedly proscriptive to his children, fawning to Il Dottore, scheming with Il Capitano, lecherous with Colombina and indulgent to himself. He is too self-interested to be aware of spectators, therefore takes no notice of them.Pantalone operates on the trust that everything can be bought and sold, and this turns out to be true, with the exception of loyalty (and love). But he also loves money for its own sake and will therefore only part with it when there is no other option. He always wants to marry his daughter to a wealthy man and avoid giving her a dowry. When things do not go his way he quickly slips into emotional extremes, particularly enraged petty tyranny. He has a long memory and never forgets or forgives the slightest past transgression. Pantalone is action, not words.IL CAPITANOIlCapitano is a loner. He is never indigenous to the town where the scenario is set and is able to pretend to high status as a result. His downfall to the level of veritable social digesting is an essential part of the denouement. Being a Capitan he wore a feathered helmet or hat, huge boots and exaggerated garters. His clothes were sometimes diagonally striped or slashed, but whatever the style, close scrutiny reveals the truth Magnificent in words, but his purse is always empty and under his beautifully richly damascened cuirass he wears but a frayed and bedraggled leather jerkin. Il Capitano himself, however, always claims that histattered undergarments are caused by the amazing virility of his body whisker bursting through whenever he gets angry.Il Capitano appears large, whether forciblely or egotistically, he is a large presence on stage. He trys to attract attention from women and intimidate men. He wears a mask with a great menacing nose andfierce, bristling moustaches, which seemed standardized veritable iron spikes defending the appropriate to a stronghold only too ready to capitulate. The mask, in its general aspect, was intended to emphasize the contrast between a brave appearance and a craven nature.His signature prop is a long sword that he never actually uses for fighting. His feet are planted apart in order to occupy maximum space, his toilet table is pushed forward and his back is always straight and tall standing with his hips wide. His walk is a long stride where the heels of his boots come down first, then the foot rolls onto the cluster, then he steps again off the ball of his foot giving him rise and bounce in his step so his head can be among the clouds. However, his actual steps are small (he is in no hurry to get to war, but wants to do so with maximum effect).When he hears a frightening noise he drops everything, but only succeeds in running on the spot, head thrown back, arms in the air, kicking his feet forward and howling piteously. When he hears a wolf (or small dog) he shrinks little by little until he has made himself apart(p) as possible, then scurries away in a crouch. When fleeing from a mouse he adopts a bod of leaping promenade walk in order to prevent it running up his legs. When scared otiose he occasionally runs to be seen, to show off his legs.He often stands at attention or with his hand on his sword, nose in the air and his chest puffed out. When hes not pretending to be brave he is cowering with fear. His movements are slow, deliberate and mechanical with his gestures being extravagant and sustained.His manner of speaking is loud and proud turning to a squeak when frightened. He was originally employed by Pantalone to do his dirty work for him. They workedwell together as lechers with financial aspirations IlCapitano to get rich, Pantalone to remain so. Pantalone would often congratulate Il Capitano on his efforts, and then betray him to others. He is almost used as a prop by all the other characters. The whole world is an audience. He stops whenever he sees the actual audience and makes a salutation so that he can be admired.Initially his magnificence whitethorn take in the other characters, but never the audience something in his very first entrance (a trip for example) should give him away.IL DOTTOREIl Dottore is the head of another family and is often the father of a lover, usually Lelio. He is the equivalent of Pantalone who thinks he has brains. He wears a black academic dress satirising Bolognese scholars, a long jacket with black coat over-reaching to his heels, black shoes, stockings and breeches, and black skull-cap.His appearance is grand his huge size comes this instant from Carnival and contrasts with Pantalone. His mask covers the nose and forehead and sometimes the cheeks, which are red as he is plain fond of the bottle.His signature props include a book and a white handkerchief. He would stand with his weight back on his heels, belly forward and his hands gesturing in front. He walks peripatetically in figures of eight, utilize tiny, mincing steps. His walking posture descends while he thinks (out loud, of course) and rises up again on the solution of the problem.When posing, he leans forward with a hand on his face, usually tapping his forehead or stroking his beard in a pensive manner. When posing behind another performer, he sometimes does something malicious such as preparing to knock them out with a mallet.His movements are relatively static in front of the audience. He require allthe space to himself and gains it by gesturing out from the body as if sowing a seed.He parps like a trombone when speaking and pronounces S as Sh. He is a neighbour and friend or rival of Pantalone (either way, the two are inseparable), and since he is a natural parasite, s ees the advantage of being patronized by him. To acknowledge or talk to the audience he needs a context in order to make a direct address the giving of a lecture for example.He gives the other characters a break from physical exertion by his prolixity sometimes to the point where he has to be carried off by them, still talking. For this reason he stays a relatively long time onstage. A survivor, not a target figure like Pantalone.He is essentially belly, not intellect and is extremely vocal. IlDottore is inclined, like Pantalone, to be stingy, but in his case it is because he doesnt have any money.The doctor is an incessant gasbag he cannot open his mouth without spitting out a Latin phrase or quotation. He believes someone suffers from an ailment, which they obviously do not, and offers to cure them. He spontaneously diagnoses performers on stage, tries to enlist assistant to help him perform experimental surgeries on himself and others, as well as performs random experiments i n the ready of science and medicine.

Saturday, May 18, 2019

Qualitative and Quantitative Research Methods Essay

There ar assorted research methods that have been guided by different philosophy of science that were developed by philosopher, researcher and sociologist at their time of era. The well-known research methods atomic number 18 quantitative research methods. Quantitative atomic number 18 numerical methods associated with deductive approach shotes. Quantitative research methods be usually guided by the principles of positivism as it takes on objective reality and accepts single reality. Quantitative methods are usually roled to measure size, observe numerical change over time, audience segmentation, testing hypothesis, and, quantifying attitudes, behaviors and opinions. The primary(prenominal) importance of quantitative research is on deductive reasoning which tends to activate from the general to the specific. The validity of conclusions is shown to be dependent on one or more premises being valid. For example, All students who study MBA in Kathmandu University works in a ba nk. Seema studies in MBA in Kathmandu University. Based on the premises, we puke say that Seema works in a bank. Premises used in deductive reasoning are important because faulty premises can lead to wrong conclusions.Another popular method is qualitative method, which are usually associated with inductive approaches. Qualitative research methods are used on subjective matter, as in-depth study to explore subject matter. Qualitative research methods are guided by philosophies as post-positivism, little theory, and constructivism. Qualitative research methods offer different kinds of ways to investigate on research problems as wonder methods, focused group discussions,case studies and many others to understand the certain circumstances or culture in the society.The approach adopted by qualitative researchers tends to be inductive which means that they develop a theory or look for a pattern of meaning on the basis of the data that they have collected. This involves a move from the specific to the general and is sometimes called a bottom-up approach. However, most research projects also involve a certain degree of deductive reasoning (Trochim, 2005).Quantitative Research is more about collecting numerical data to study about certain phenomena. For example, what destiny of Nepalese student who go to US for unconnected degree complete graduate course in United States? Other examples may be what percentage of Nepalese students who are studying in TU have negative attitude towards TU administrations. One usually has to use quantitative research when one wants answer in numbers. However, one has to study about complex situations and go with in-depth studies then qualitative methods should be used.For example, researcher wants to know how people view politics in Nepal? Similarly, a researcher wants to do ethnographic study of the culture of Tharus of Nepal and lives with Tharu for some years, immerse himself/herself in that environment to secern the meanings, con vention of behavior, and ways of thinking important in tharu cultures.Similarly, even though the selection of research methods are based upon the problem selected, resource available, the skills of researcher and audience of the research, both the methodologies are also used unitedly in a research which is known as mixed methods. Mixed methods often combine nomothetic and idiographic approaches in an attempt to serve the dual purposes of generalization and in-depth understandingto gain an overview of social regularities from a larger sample while understanding the other through detailed study of a little sample. Full integration of these approaches is difficult, hence the predominance of component studies(Pat Bazeley, 2004)References(Bazeley, 2004)Social Research Methods. (n.d.). Retrieved December 12, 2012, from www.socialresearchmethods. nethttp// (2005). In W. M. Trochium, Research Methods (2nd ed.).